Not Just For Breakfast Anymore

Benny wants a pet-a dog or a cat. You know, the kind of pet every else has. But other kids don't have his mom. She likes to do things differently. So Benny doesn't know what to expect when he first opens the pet carrier. Certainly not that his neighbors will want to kick his family out of town-he just got here! And he was just about to make the baseball team, too. Will he fight for his pet or back down?

You can read the industry reviews on the side bar, but my favorite review came from a fan.

Rating: 5/5 
My 4 year old son absolutely adores me reading to him, and when he saw the cover of this book, he demanded that I read it to him right away. Both of us really enjoyed the story! 
He loved it because it was story of a pig. I loved it for the lessons that I've seen him learn from it, even though we only finished it a few days ago. He was deepened by my teachings of self-esteem and standing up for not only what you believe in, but for what is right. We both enjoyed the story of a young boy given a unique birthday present/pet, and how sometimes you get the things you didn't even know you needed until you received it. The story flowed so well, I didn't feel any thing was lacking in how one person got from one place to another, and the quest that our young hero took was very riveting. The time spent in the rain storm in a log was worthy of college literature class discussions on symbolism. And while I read into the book more than my son did, he loved it too. He enjoyed growing with the characters and the pig. 
Now, please get him off my back about why we can't have a pet pig in our apartment! 
 PJ Culley 

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210 pages
Genre: Middle Grade Fiction
Distributed by Ingram and Follett Library Resources

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If you gave an attention-shy twelve year old boy an embarrassing pet: Get kicked out of town? Make the baseball team? Both? Read all about it in NOT JUST FOR BREAKFAST ANYMORE.